Monday, August 27, 2012


I'm sad.  Failure this weekend.  And to think I couldn't even make it through my first self imposed "challenge" for one week.  Grr...I'm really angry at myself, and disappointed.  What happened is so typical - it was my son's birthday party on Saturday and I told myself, no drinking.  But then everyone comes over...festive atmosphere...and poof, there goes my will power.  What was I thinking at the moment?  Like always I convinced myself that my challenge was not worth it.  That going through life without drinking is not really a lasting goal of mine so why bother?  Even now I'm wondering if this really was a good challenge to start out with - but regardless, I should have stuck with it.  So here goes...I'm starting again because I am determined to see this "road" of mine through each and every step.  I know my life can get better and I'm excited to see how I discover what "better" is.  I know there will be resolutions that work, and those that don't.  But I don't want to decide which ones are worthwhile and which ones are not until I actually stick with the challenge for the specified amount of time.  So here's my new approach:  1 challenge, 3 weeks.  1 new challenge every week.  If I "mess up" the clock starts again.  So here we are, restarting the clock on the "no drinking" challenge, and also starting a new one.  What will it be? It's a tough one for me - no snacking after dinner.  NOTHING.  That's right, as I tell my kids "the kitchen is closed" once I'm done with dinner.  This is going to be extremely difficult for me.  But I have to keep a positive attitude that I can do it.  I CAN DO IT.  So two challenges:  no alchohol, and no snacking after dinner.  End date:  Sunday Sept 16th.  It's going to be rough.  But I think I'll learn some things along the way...and that's what this is all about.

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